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Buy a Degree and Become a Virtual Bookkeeper

In Business
August 16, 2021
Buy a Degree and Become a Virtual Bookkeeper

Suppose you want to ride the bandwagon of virtual bookkeeping and be hired as an online bookkeeper. In that case, you may consider enrolling in one of the virtual bookkeeping courses offered on the Internet. Likewise, you can take advantage of the courses if you plan on setting up your own virtual bookkeeping business. Although traditional schools offer these courses, those who do not have the time to attend classroom sessions can enroll in online courses after completing the essential requirements and paying the course fee.

The distance learning courses are more or less similar to the ones offered in colleges and universities. The only difference is the absence of an instructor to give life to the lessons. It takes dedication and perseverance to complete the required twenty or thirty hours of the virtual bookkeeping courses. If desired, you can take the prescribed exam after finishing the course to earn a diploma or certificate of qualification and establish a career as a virtual bookkeeper.

On the other hand, you can buy an authentic degree from a legitimate online provider and use it to assert your virtual bookkeeping diploma or certificate further.

Course Categories

When enrolling in virtual bookkeeping courses, you have a choice between two categories. The first one is intended for beginners and mainly involves bookkeeping training for students who do not know basic bookkeeping concepts. The training includes accounting exercises to provide future virtual bookkeepers with a clear idea, especially accounts payable and receivable management.

Other modules involve preparing financial reports, balancing accounting sheets, and reconciliation of bank records. Some modules teach the application of basic bookkeeping software programs. Because of the extensive scope of these training courses, some bookkeepers opt to enroll in them when they realized their usefulness for their career advancement.

More companies are hiring virtual bookkeepers, emphasizing the importance of bookkeeping training for those intending to work virtually. Although the training varies on content, budget, and duration, the students can acquire basic bookkeeping concepts and tools that are extremely useful in their bookkeeping tasks.

The other category consists mainly of courses designed for home learners who find it challenging to study in a traditional classroom setup. The format allows the students to tackle the lessons according to their own pace, time, and location. Such courses are perfect for those who want to gain knowledge on bookkeeping concepts for their own business or those who wish to develop their skills further while actively employed as a bookkeeper in certain companies.

Both categories provide candidates who successfully finished the online bookkeeping courses with a certificate. It forms an essential component of their resume to prove they have sufficient skills, training, and knowledge about basic and even advanced bookkeeping concepts. However, as we mentioned earlier, if you wish to supplement the certificate with a degree, you can purchase an authentic degree online.

Although there is a big difference between the two modules, both adequately provide the students with knowledge and confidence to start a bookkeeping career or transform them into being more aggressive. They show the newly acquired skills in their present job.

While a certificate is one crucial document that companies usually look at first when hiring virtual bookkeepers, it is undoubtedly most advantageous to present certified proof by reputable online or distance learning schools. Showing a certificate issued by an accredited or respectable agency assures the potential clients that they are hiring a virtual bookkeeper whose skills and knowledge have been gained from virtual bookkeeping courses.

That is what you will gain if you purchase an authentic degree from a legitimate online provider. Because the online provider is affiliated with renowned universities worldwide, they are, in effect, offering genuine degrees from said universities. Hence, if you buy a degree from an online provider, you will get a degree issued by a respected university. You can learn here about buying degrees online that are verifiable and authentic.

Besides your virtual bookkeeping certificate, presenting a degree with your other credentials makes clients confident enough to entrust classified financial information to a virtual stranger. Why is that? Because they know they are entrusting their business to someone who has undergone extensive training and courses to manage tasks from a remote location. When you have a certificate and degree in your name, you can surely gain entry to the virtual bookkeeping arena because you hold the right key in your hand.

We mentioned earlier that what you will learn from bookkeeping courses could help you build your own virtual bookkeeping business or get hired by business owners to manage their accounts. If the latter is the option that appeals most to you, then the next section will help you search for the best bookkeeping jobs.

In Pursuit of Virtual Bookkeeping Jobs

All businesses, on whatever scale, need a system to keep track of their transactions through regular accounting and bookkeeping procedures. Therefore, it does not come as a surprise that bookkeeping jobs are one of the most available employment opportunities for job seekers.

Nowadays, however, companies find it more beneficial to hire people who can work from home to perform virtual bookkeeping jobs. Besides being cost-effective, bookkeeping from home is as efficient as an actual accounting system done in an office.

Searching for Virtual Bookkeeping Jobs

Virtual bookkeepers who have the skill and knowledge in basic and advanced bookkeeping may find that landing a job that pays well is not too hard, especially if they have extensive training and the needed software. You can get multiple listings of companies in search of qualified bookkeepers online. Proactive job seekers are clever in more ways by posting their resumes on recruitment websites, which frequently produce positive results. Why is that?

That is because some companies are more inclined to search for ideal candidates from resume databases instead of posting job vacancies on the Internet, where applicants may turn out in overwhelming numbers. Virtual bookkeepers are most in-demand during the tax season. And although getting hired is easy enough, more often than not, the position is only on a part-time basis. Still, it can become a lucrative semi-permanent, part-time job for those whose performance is favorable to the client.

Choosing to be a freelancer and not being tied to a single company is also a good option for skilled bookkeepers. Instead of working for one business firm, you may want to consider taking on several minor clients whose financial books are less complicated to manage.

In reality, the small-scale businesses are most in need of virtual bookkeepers as they realize the impracticality of hiring full-time onsite bookkeepers. Hence, they prefer to outsource the job to bookkeepers who can work remotely. Besides being more affordable, online bookkeepers usually possess specialized skills, are more knowledgeable, more experienced, and can work independently from any remote location.

The Job of a Virtual Bookkeeper

A virtual bookkeeper’s job involves a combination of accounting and bookkeeping skills and knowledge. Like the regular bookkeeping tasks, part of the job is to organize the business financial records and reports reflecting all transactions, account receivables, accounts payable, and other matters. As a virtual bookkeeper, you must constantly update the records to monitor the trends and climate of business operation to indicate whether the company is running on profits or losses.

The only difference is that you will obtain all data from various modern digital messaging methods such as email, facsimile, cloud services, or a courier system. In today’s computer age, bookkeeping documents can be scanned or captured in digital photos using a camera or smartphone. If you work for someone local, you can also regularly pick up the documents from the business office and deliver the processed records at any convenient time.

Companies are looking for virtual bookkeepers with some special skills and knowledge about bookkeeping procedures. Therefore, you must be comfortable using specific accounting software or formats used by the client to perform the bookkeeping tasks. Many companies use accounting software that allows both parties to access the company’s financial records anywhere provided there is an active Internet signal in the area.

Other clients also allow the hired bookkeeper to use his own software program in processing the financial records, which may also include quarterly and yearly reports. Virtual bookkeepers can be paid hourly or depending on the contracted amount agreed upon as a third party providing bookkeeping services.

Getting one of those virtual bookkeeping jobs can be an excellent option to earn more while working from home or elsewhere. It is like having your own business because of the flexibility it allows you to work at your preferred time. However, it would be best if you were not overcome by the freedom it promises because along with it is the responsibility of gearing the company to an upward swing.

Indeed, finding a virtual bookkeeping job (or jobs) is easy as long as you know where to look for them. You only need to make sure you have the proper credentials like your diploma, certificate, or authentic degree because these will show clients that you are the best person for the job.