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Chicken Coop vs Free Range: Which Is Better?

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December 08, 2020
Chicken Coop vs Free Range: Which Is Better?

Did you know that there are over 230,000 poultry farms in the USA?

While there is no shortage of chicken meat in the USA, many people are looking for a higher quality of poultry food products by raising chickens themselves. 

If you are looking to provide a truly organic environment for your chickens, what can you do? Why not take a look at some professional chicken coop ideas? You might find the one that you have been looking for.

The Taj Mahal – 2 to 5 Chickens

When considering your coop plans, you will need to keep in mind the overall space that you have to offer your chickens. 

The Taj Mahal coop works for a backyard of between 200-400 m2. It includes a chimney section that can reach as far as one metre high. It also includes a generous run area of between 1-2 meters.

This is enough space for 2-5 chickens to live and socialize while avoiding the feeling that they are cooped up.

The Penthouse – 2 to 10 Chickens

A penthouse design coop gives the chickens extra space and room to feed within the coop. This means that they can stay in the coop, safely away from predators, without any sense of claustrophobia. 

If you build your penthouse coop with dimensions of 1m x 4m, you will have enough room to accommodate up to 10 birds. This is more comfortable if they are smaller bantam hens.

The purpose of the penthouse coop is to provide a tall dwelling area that does not have a broad footprint. This is much like a tall residential apartment block. Following this, you can use the additional space around the base to build a run area for the chickens to roam safely in. 

The Mansion – 2 to 20 Chickens

If you want to cater for up to 20 chickens, you are going to need to build a mansion for them. Fortunately, this is possible. By employing the popular mansion design, you can build a two-story dwelling for your chickens.

The mansion design involves a 2m width cabin with two stories to provide enough space for up to 20 chickens to sleep at night. The mansion design specifically caters to housing for chickens. If you would like to create room for them to free range on, this will be in addition to these dimensions. 

The Best Chicken Coop Ideas Around and Much More

If you keep chickens, you no doubt want to raise the best quality chickens you can and obtain a truly organic product. To do this you need to create a home for them that protects and organizes their development while not restricting their movement. The chicken coop ideas we have discusses today can help you to do this. 

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