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Cloud Computing Myths

Cloud Computing Myths

Most people are already using cloud computing through their email or social media. In recent years, businesses of all sizes have integrated cloud computing into their IT network. 

Yet there is still some consternation over whether cloud computing solutions are secure, private and worth the expense. According to Deloitte, businesses typically only migrate between 20-50% of their data to the cloud. 

The COVID-19 pandemic galvanised in 2020. The Deloitte survey indicates that 97% of IT managers will rely on cloud computing by 2022. 

With advancements being made in the industry there are few reasons not to use cloud computing. However, many people still hold misconceptions about the benefits of storing data off-premises. 

To put your minds at ease, this article quashes some of the common myths and misconceptions about cloud computing solutions.

Cloud Computing Puts Your Data at Risk

Nobody wants their valued data to be exposed to cybercriminals. It is essential for the continuity of your business that customer data is safeguarded against breaches in cybersecurity. 

Using cloud computing does mean trusting someone else to look after your data. It can feel like a concerning loss of control. Many business owners fear that the cloud may affect their compliance with data security regulations. 

Whilst these fears are understandable, they are baseless. Data breaches are usually the fault of the end-user or because of a vulnerability in third-party software (i.e Microsoft).

All data stored on the cloud is also encrypted so even if somebody can access the server, it is practically impossible to read the content of a document or database.

As a matter of fact, cloud computing is generally safer than local computing. But that does not mean it is without its risks. As the recent attack of Microsoft’s Email Exchange server shows, it is the responsibility of businesses to update patches as soon as a new version is released by the software company. 

Cybersecurity experts claim that 99% of data threats rely on an end-user to click on a malicious link or download an attachment that contains malicious code. 

Data security is in your hands, but it’s still worth spreading your data across multiple clouds so that if one is breached, the majority of your data is still protected.

Cloud Computing is not Worth the Cost

The costs of any new IT solution will be daunting and makes finding new solutions unappealing. Difficulties with costs are only exacerbated if you feel you have already spent a lot of money on your current computing systems. 

Such an attitude is understandable, but misplaced when it comes to cloud computing solutions. They are affordable for all businesses and well worth the investment.

On-site data storage, on the other hand, is very expensive. It has been estimated that storing 1 terabyte of data locally costs around £2380 annually and another £1400 to back it up. 

Meanwhile, storage on the cloud costs as little as $0.02 per gigabyte of data per month. This equates to roughly £170 to store a terabyte for a year. 

Cloud computing will save you even more money if your business does not have an IT system in place yet. Choosing local storage will require much more IT infrastructure before you can even begin to think about maintenance costs. 

Local storage requires endless data banks and hard drives to be purchased which are costly and require a lot of organisation. Using cloud computing requires very little initial investment in comparison.

However, like all IT solutions, if you do not pay enough attention to the cloud solutions that you use, costs can run very high. It has been estimated that businesses that do not consider cloud optimisation will spend 70% more than they need to

Without enough care and attention, inefficiencies can become very expensive. A fantastic way to limit inefficiencies is to invest in automation. Automation means running your cloud will require the minimum amount of intervention possible. 

Cloud Computing is Complicated and Less Reliable than On-Premise Storage

If your business has been using on-premise storage for years without issue, it is not always easy to see the benefits of cloud computing. It feels much easier to stick to data storage solutions that you are comfortable with. 

Getting used to new software always takes time and by its nature cloud computing is complex new technology. But once your cloud computing network is established, it is actually very little effort.

With cloud computing, there is usually no need for local support. Maintenance is done remotely and automatically. All good cloud providers have computerised maintenance management systems that will do all the hard work for you. You won’t even realise maintenance is being done. Most businesses find cloud computing to be a seamless experience. 

Cloud computing also removes the need to constantly worry about backing up your data. With cloud computing, gone are the days of periodically and painstakingly copying data onto disks or tapes to make sure you don’t use it. 

With cloud computing, all your data is automatically backed up onto cloud storage solutions. It is normal to worry about this data being safe. If you think the risk is too high, you can always use a cloud-to-cloud data backup solution. These firms backup your cloud data onto their own cloud so that if your cloud runs into problems your data is safe.

Cloud Computing Myths Debunked

It is clear that the majority of myths about cloud computing solutions have very little connection to the truth. Cloud computing is an affordable, safe, reliable, and low-maintenance alternative to traditional local storage solutions. 

What’s more, with the rise of cybercrime and work-from-home strategies expected to be adopted beyond the pandemic, it makes sense for businesses to adopt cloud computing. 

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