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How to Repel Mosquitoes From Entering Your House

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January 25, 2022
How To Repel Mosquitoes From Entering Your House

Did you know that there are over 200 different species of mosquitoes in the US? Unfortunately, some carry diseases like Zika and the West Nile virus.

Are you looking for ideas to repel mosquitoes from your house? Have mosquitoes made it difficult to enjoy your home?

The following guide will explain how to repel mosquitoes safely and effectively. Read on to learn how you can easily stop mosquitoes from entering the house.

Lawncare Tips to Repel Mosquitoes

The best way to repel mosquitoes and stop them from getting inside is to limit their numbers outside.

Mosquitoes love the shade provided by hedges, bushes, and tall grass. They use it as shelter from the heat and sun during the day. Minimizing shaded areas in your yard reduces the number of mosquitoes around your home.

Make sure to keep your hedges and bushes trimmed. Mow your yard weekly to eliminate weedy spots and tall grass. Of course, your neighbors will need to do the same thing or you might still have a mosquito problem to deal with.

Remove Standing Water

It doesn’t take much water for mosquitoes to breed and multiply. In fact, they only need a thimbleful of water to lay eggs.

Find and empty any containers with standing water in them. Consider water from old tires, buckets, and flowerpot bases. Even patio furniture, kids’ toys, boats, and trailers accumulate water.

Keep your gutters clean so water doesn’t build up. Fill in stump holes with mortar so they can’t retain water. Try to slope ditches so they drain and fill wet spots with soil.

Screen Doors and Fans

Consider hiring a screen company to install screens on your exterior doors. It’s an affordable upgrade that allows you to keep your doors open on nice days without worrying about bugs.

Screens are also a great feature if you like entertaining guests. It’s a nice way to keep your home open to outside seating areas and patios without letting in mosquitoes or other pests.

You can also use box fans to help repel mosquitoes from your guests while they’re outside. Mosquitoes aren’t strong flyers, so the blowing air works well to detract them. It also blows away human scents that attract them.

How to Repel Mosquitoes With Soap

Repel mosquitoes indoors by keeping a dish of soapy water in your home. Use enough soap to cover the dish in bubbles. Any dishwashing soap or detergent works well for this repellent method.

The water in the dish attracts mosquitoes but the soap traps them until they die. Beer and other alcohols work well to repel mosquitoes indoors, but they won’t kill them like soap water.

Keep Your Home Free of Mosquitoes

Now you know how to repel mosquitoes and keep them out of your home. Remember to regularly maintain your yard and eliminate standing water. Upgrade your doors with screens or simply keep a dish of soap water inside.

We hope you’ve enjoyed these easy mosquito repellent tips. Check out the rest of our blog for more helpful articles and fascinating information.