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In Health
February 10, 2022

For most athletes, fitness coaches and those who prioritise body fitness, when you ask them about food supplements that aid their athletic performance, their answer will most likely be protein bars. Protein bar is to an athlete and other fitness enthusiasts what motor oil is to a moving machine.

Just like a motor oil helps in reducing friction and wear on a machine’s moving parts, protein bars provide the human body with the adequate amount of protein needed for muscle building and to prevent loss of balance and muscle mass.

Although protein bars have been proven to be helpful for those that frequently workout, it is important to note that protein bars should not be abused. It should be taken in the right proportion and at the right time.

Are you interested in keeping fit? Do you sometimes wonder what you can take to boost your performance during workout sessions? Are you interested in building your body mass? The exciting news is that our protein bars from Ireland are here to help you achieve your body fitness goals. Continue reading as when not to take protein bars and the right time it should be taken will be discussed below.

When should protein bars not be taken?

  • It should not be taken in excess. According to an article by Healthline, the recommended amount to be taken is 0.36 grams of (0.8 grams per kg) body weight.
  • When one intends to replace whole meals with protein bars. It cannot function in isolation, the body still needs food rich in nutrients to survive.
  • Those with diabetes and high blood pressure should avoid protein bars with a high sugar volume.
  • You should not take a protein bar when it’s ingredients are of low or compromised quality. You can get your quality and nutritious protein bars from us.

Should I eat my protein bar before or after a workout?

You can eat your protein bar before and after a workout session. Taking it before working out can help boost your energy level for the task ahead. You can eat it one or two hours before a workout, this ensures that it has been fully metabolised.

After working out, you should take your protein bar within an hour, this is known as the ‘anabolic window’. This is important so that your protein bar can be ingested straightway.

It should be noted that the best time to eat your protein bar is after a workout. Taking it after will fasten your muscles’ recovery process, it aids muscle growth by delivering protein to your muscles. A post workout protein bar is the best, it helps you get maximum return of your investment in protein bars.

There are a ton of protein bar options available in both the offline and online marketplace today. It is important you get one that is made from top-notch quality ingredients and highly nutritious. Get your quality protein bars from us today and speed up the attainment of your body fitness goals.