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Top 5 reasons to buy your mattress online

In Lifestyle
December 29, 2021
Top reasons to buy your mattress online

Are you looking for a new mattress? If you’re getting a new bed, it only makes sense to go ahead and replace your mattress at the same time. Most mattresses are only designed to last 5 to 8 years, with the cheapest mattresses needing replacement on an almost annual basis. Getting a new mattress for your new bed ensures you have the best, most restful sleeping experience.

There are a lot of places you could buy a luxury mattress for your new bed, but getting it from the same online furniture store as your bedroom set is usually the best option. There are several reasons that you should buy your mattress online through such an online furniture retailer. 

Get the right mattress for the right bed

Get the right mattress for the right bed

When you buy your mattress and bed together you have a better chance of getting the best mattress for that bed. Not all beds are made the same way, and some mattresses only work with one specific type of bed (like platform beds, daybed trundles, or sofa pull-out beds). 

When you order your mattress and bed at the same time from the same retailer, you can get brand and furniture collection specifics on the best mattress for your bed. Mattress recommendations are the best way to make sure all of the pieces of your bed work together. 

Online furniture stores will give you mattress recommendations when you order the bed, but you can also get help making a decision by talking to a sales representative about your needs and which mattresses might meet them. Even when shopping online, getting chat help is easy, and it is very helpful if you are only buying a mattress and not a bed as well.

Take advantage of financing opportunities

Most furniture stores these days, including online furniture stores, now offer some type of financing. You will likely need to meet a minimum purchase amount requirement to get the financing though, and a mattress alone isn’t enough to get financing from most retailers. Instead, you should get your mattress online with the bed so that you can have all of your bedroom furniture financed together. Sometimes this gives you more leeway in your budget so that you can get a higher quality mattress.

Ongoing clearance sales and free delivery

mattress online

Buying a mattress online is generally a good idea, even if you aren’t getting a new bed. Replacing the mattress on your current bed is equally important, and you want to be able to get the best deals possible. Online furniture stores hold frequent clearance sales, and most of them also let you buy mattress with free delivery directly to your home. This makes buying any mattress online your most affordable option. 

Wider selection of affordable options

Online furniture stores often hold sales to pull people in so that they can prove how much more affordable and efficient they can be as an option for buying new furniture, including mattresses. Because these online stores have huge inventories, they have a much wider selection of budget-friendly mattresses to choose from. You should be able to get a mattress that meets all of your needs within the amount you have to spend.