It seems among other things, American homeowners have a real love affair with green grass. With 40 to 50 million acres of lawn, it’s not that surprising that they also spent $105 billion on getting the greenest grass.
There’s nothing like the expanse of green grass in the front of your home. Quality lawns and landscaping add aesthetic and financial value to your home.
Are you wondering how to grow grass that will make your neighbors green with envy? One key is to know which types of grass seed will grow best in your conditions.
Read on for our grass seed guide so your grass can shine this growing season.
Choosing the Best Type of Grass Seed
The first thing to know about the types of grass seed is that there are specific types for different growing conditions. So, if you’re deciding on what’s the best grass seed for your yard, you need to consider a few things.
First, what climate do you live in? There are cool-season grasses, warm-season grasses, and transitional grasses. The climate will impact how the grass grows and when you’ll see it go dormant.
Another key consideration is how much shade your yard has. Certain grasses are more tolerant of direct sun than others. Some will tolerate partial shade, while others must have the direct sun to grow.
Finally, do you have the type of lawn that gets wear and tear, or is your lawn for viewing only? Families who have pets and kids, probably want to select a grass seed that is hardy to wear and tear.
If you’re not sure what’s best for your conditions, check with the specialists at https://www.holmesutah.com/draper-2/.
Cool-Season Grasses
Cool-season grasses will grow best in northern climates and are more tolerant to the cold. They are likely to be quick growing in the spring and fall but will slow down at the peak of summer heat.
Some cool-grasses include:
- Fescue: drought resistant, low water needs, germinates quickly, course texture, and has low fertilizer needs
- Bluegrass: drought resistant, medium water needs, medium to fine texture, likes sun but will tolerate shade, disease-resistant
Creeping Bentgrass and Perennial Ryegrass are also cool-season grasses.
Warm-Season Grasses
Warm-season grasses are going to grow better in the south. They are heat-tolerant in nature but they aren’t likely to be as tolerant of cold.
Some warm-season grasses include:
- Bermuda: high drought resistance, fine to medium texture, tolerates medium foot traffic, must have full sun exposure
- St. Augustine: moderate drought resistance, medium need for water, coarse texture, quick grower, tolerate partial shade
Centipede and Bahia are also warm-season grasses.
Transitional Grasses
Generally speaking, the transitional zone of the country will do best with cool-season grasses over warm-season ones.
Some grasses that do well in the transitional zone include:
- Bermuda
- Fescue
Zoysia is popular for the transitional zone because of its dense wiry growth and tolerance for high traffic.
Know Which Types of Grass Seed Will Work Best for Your Lawn
Understanding the different types of grass seed and knowing which to use will help get you the lush lawn you desire.
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