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The Story Behind the Loan Application Process

In Finance
July 26, 2021
The Story Behind the Loan Application Process

Funding for small businesses can be a mysterious and challenging process. If you need funding for your business, you can get a glimpse of the story behind the loan application process.

When you’re a brand-new business owner, it can seem intimidating to be approved for a small business loan. How does one know they are doing it right? 

This free guide will give you a behind-the-scenes look at what small business lenders consider when deciding whether to lend. Among the mysteries surrounding small business loans is the application process. We’ve got the inside scoop.

Understanding the underwriting process and 5 W’s of credit helps you understand the loan application process. sms lån to know about personal loans.

Understanding the Underwriting Process: The 5 Cs of Credit

Underwriting is one element of loan approval, but what is it? Here’s a breakdown of the 5 C’s of Credit and their potential impact on your credit score and loan approval. 

The 5 C’s of Credit:

  1. Capacity
  2. Capital
  3. Conditions
  4. Character
  5. Collateral


Lenders must ensure the borrower can repay the loan using the amount and terms proposed. Financial institutions review past cash flow statements to determine the expected income from business operations when evaluating business loan applications. 


When determining creditworthiness, lenders also examine a borrower’s capital level. An owner of a business can claim personal capital investment, kept profits, and other assets at their disposal. 


A loan condition can be a condition of the loan itself or the circumstances of the borrower’s economic situation. Business lenders consider needs such as how the overall economy is doing and what the loan is for. 


Character is an essential part of understanding the story behind the loan application process. The character of a borrower refers to their record or reputation as borrowers. According to lenders, past behavior is an excellent predictor of future behavior. 


Collateral is an asset pledged as security by a borrower for a loan. Individuals often secure loans with savings, cars, or homes, while businesses often use equipment or accounts receivable as collateral.

The Five W’s of Credit


Initially, potential lenders are going to ask who you are. Who owns the company? Do there exist multiple owners? New partnerships may risk failing than established groups or corporations; new alliances are also more likely to merge, endangering the business. 


It is essential to know just what you do to appeal to lenders. Descriptive language is essential. To determine whether your company falls into a high-risk category or industry, provide an accurate description of what your company does. 


Lenders view the long-standing business experience as a positive attribute. A sole proprietor would consider the date of establishment as the date they began operating. 


Where does the company’s primary operation take place? Is there over one location or shop for the company? When lenders know the location of the companies, they can determine if the banks they are borrowing from are close to the companies. When a business has multiple locations, it makes sense to locate a lender most relative to the central hub of operations. 


Finally, these two questions are framed together since they are intimately connected. What is the company’s borrowing need? For what purpose does the company plan to borrow the funds?

Give as much detail as possible about what you plan to do with the money. And you can also provide how much you need. A detailed business plan, as well as financial goals, shows to the lender that you are well-prepared and well-thought-out.

The Bottom Line

Understanding the story behind the loan application process can be helpful if you seek to get a loan from lenders. While each institution has a unique method for analyzing a borrower’s creditworthiness, both individual and business credit applications typically use the five Cs of credit. 

They generally consider capacity the most important factor out of a borrower’s ability to generate the cash flow necessary to repay the interest and principal. 

In addition, applicants who score high in each of these categories are more likely to receive large loans, low-interest rates, and favorable repayment terms.