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Don’t Ignore It: The Warning Signs of Child Abuse

In General
October 16, 2020
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With almost 700,000 children suffering abuse in the USA every year, it’s a horrifically common thing. Most people don’t want to think about children being abused but it’s very real, and it’s important to be aware.

Being aware of the warning signs of child abuse means being in a position to alert the authorities or an investigative body and save that child. By turning a blind eye or refusing to educate yourself about the signs of child abuse, you could be losing a chance to help someone.

Read on to find out what the most common signs are so that if you notice them in a child, you can alert someone. Better safe than sorry. 

Withdrawal or Other Sudden Changes in Behavior

One of the most common signs and symptoms of child abuse is withdrawal or other changes in behavior that seem out of character for the child in question.

A child who is being abused will often feel isolated and pull away from their friends.

Other children might begin to behave in an aggressive or defensive manner that they never have before. 

Frequent Poorly Explained Absences From School

Sometimes children who are being abused will be absent from school a lot so that the abuser can cover up what’s happening to them. Although some obvious physical signs of child abuse are bruises and marks on their body, they will often be kept away from the public eye until they heal. 

If a child is often absent from school and the excuses don’t seem to line up, it’s important to look into it to ascertain that nothing more sinister is happening. 

Weight Loss 

Often a child suffering from abuse at home will be having food and basic needs withheld from them.

One obvious way to spot this is weight loss. If the child is losing weight, and it’s not due to another medical reason, it could very well mean that they’re being deprived at home. 

Behavior Inappropriate for the Child’s Age

The signs of child sexual abuse lawyers kansas city are often that the child begins to mimic this behavior. For example, they might spread knowledge that a child of their age wouldn’t usually have, or they might behave in a sexual way towards their peers.

Child sexual abuse is an area of law that has many dedicated people fighting for children, but it has to be brought to their attention for them to do anything about it. 

Keep an Eye Out for the Warning Signs of Child Abuse

It can be easy to turn a blind eye to children and assume their home life is none of your business, but if you spot any of the warning signs of child abuse, it’s important to do something. 

Even if you’re wrong, it can be investigated and ruled out, giving you peace of mind that someone is looking out for the child.

For more life tips and educational posts, check out the rest of our blog. 


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