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Do You Need a License to Get Car Insurance?

In Automotive
May 22, 2021

Car insurance is not only an important safety net for drivers to have behind the wheel, but across most countries, there are actually minimal requirements to have at least some kind of insurance policy on the road. If you have a driver’s license, finding an insurer is easier than ever, but what if you own a car but don’t have a valid driver’s license just yet?

Getting Your Driver’s License

Getting a driver’s license can vary on a minimum age depending on your location in the United States, with most prospective drivers opting for a learner’s permit to learn the ways of the road before getting a valid license. But can you get car insurance without a license? Most preferred auto insurers will only sell coverage to vehicle owners with a license. After all, you require a driver’s license number to purchase a policy through an insurance agent. However, there are exemptions for a licensed driver in certain situations.

For example, a parent with a teenage driver under their auto insurance coverage might look to keep legal control of the car until their child reaches a certain age or shifts from a learner’s permit to a full license. Some insurance companies will let you protect a vehicle if you have a provisional license and are working towards a full license as well.

A person can designate a primary driver on their auto insurance policy. They must have a valid license and be related to you, but this can be extended to a licensed roommate with a driver license. Insurers may ask that someone without a license list themselves as an excluded driver so that if they are driving, the insurance provider isn’t liable.

Car Insurance Requirements


Across the United States, there are minimum requirements for auto coverage. However, the amount of coverage you need in New York will differ from what’s required for drivers in North Dakota. Be sure to consult your state’s DMV about the amount of car coverage that’s legally required to be on the road. This information is often distributed when trying to obtain a learner’s permit or driver’s license.

Some states only require liability insurance, which covers bodily injury and property damage you to do to someone else. Others require applicants to get personal injury protection coverage to handle any health care bills that passengers incur. It’s a good idea to explore multiple lines of car insurance coverage, especially for younger and more at-risk drivers.

The higher premium may benefit you in the long run in the event of any instances behind the wheel. Collision and comprehensive coverage are among those insurance options that drivers may be better off having. Though not legally required, it will pay to repair damage to your car in the event of an accident.

Selecting Drivers for your Policy


Unlicensed driver coverage can be looked for as part of a car insurance quote, so be sure to contact your insurer to see what’s allowed under an owner policy. Insurance companies like State Farm and Liberty Mutual require a valid driver’s license, so adding someone else with a valid license could be a good idea to cover your amount of insurance coverage. Having this certificate of financial responsibility is often satisfactory for a state’s department of motor vehicles and prospective insurance companies.

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