When someone says that the person has an attractive personality, then the first thought that comes to our mind is that the person must be smart enough and have a dashing and charming personality. Attractiveness has little to do with looks and physique. The world is growing fast and the way we see others has also changed. I as an individual think that looks have nothing to do with beauty. It is high time, stop judging people on the basis of how they look, what they wear, which language they speak and other nonsense parameter that you people use to categorize others.
A person becomes attractive when he/she is beautiful from inside. Their thoughts, views, the way they live and the way they treat others is enough to know what kind of a person he/she is. There are many aspects about a person that can make them attractive or less likable. We should know what is socially acceptable and what is not. Not everything works according to our wish. We cannot survive in this world all alone. After all, this world is not a wish granting factory.
Here is a list of some habits that make a person socially unacceptable and less likeable by their peers. Actually it is my list of beauty tips that can make you beautiful but from inside. This one is for your inner beauty. So go through it and try to avoid thesehabits if youhave any.
If You Don’t Treat Animals Nicely
I hate the people who are not nice to animals. I mean how can you not like the most beautiful and innocent creation of the god. They are loyal and loving. Okay, I understand that not everyone is comfortable in the company of animals but instead of hurting and beating them it is better to avoid them. There are so many people who hurt and injure animals just for fun. If you do this then I am not sorry to say that YOU are the animal,not they. So please if you don’t like them so stay away from them but causing injury to these innocent animals is not okay. And yes when I say animal, I doesn’t mean that one with the furs only. Every animal whether it is your pet or the one roaming on the roads, all need love only.
Interrupting Every time
If you are among those people who jumps into each and every conversation of others’ then trust me this behavior of yours is not being appreciated by your friends. People hate it when they get interrupted while saying something. Even you also hate this, right? So instead of jumping in between it is better to let them speak first and then express your views and ideas. And yes one more thing that people don’t like it when someone gives them advice on everything even when they don’t ask for it. It is good to advice others but only when they ask for it.
Living In Your Own Little World
Many people actually build up a wall around themselves and they don’t allow anyone to come near them just because of something bad that they experienced in their past. If you are among those people who do not like to get friendly with others and who don’t even have a good equation with their parents and family then trust me you are missing out the most beautiful relationship and deep love. All I want to say that break that wall and meet people, let them come near you and be aware enough to identify that who is good for you and who is not. You just can’t hide from the world and expect to be happy.
Underestimating Your Own Self
One thing that you do wrong to is that you always suppress your own self. If you are among those people then let me tell you tell you are giving chance to others to let you down. If you are not confident enough and you always doubt on your stamina and capabilities then you are a loser and a coward for others. They will never respect you until and unless you respect your own self. There are many people who are well aware of their talents but the fear of failure and not being good enough always pulls them backward. Your talent is your treasure. So instead of questioning it, show it to the world and respect it. Keep practicing and take yourself to another level but never suppress your own self and talent.
That Non-Important One ina Relationship
I have seen many people who lose their own identity and try to follow the path on which their partner is walking. Relationship is actually something that helps you to grow as an individual. You two are different person with different personalities and interests. Your identity should not change when you get into a relationship. You both should appreciate and respect each other’s differences. I know the concept of two bodies and one soul but please do not become that person who only lives for his/her partner. Remember, your self- respect and dignity is only in your hands. There are lot of things to do in life for which we very less time.
The Superiority Problem
If you are that kind of a person who always thinks that he is superior and smarter than others around you so I am cent percent sure that you are not being liked by others. People must be calling you rude and Hitler behind your back. Not everything revolves around you and your needs and wants. You cannot force your opinions and views on others. Everyone has their own opinions and when you work together as a team or whether it is anything that has something to do with the benefit of more than one person than the decision should be taken on the basis of mutual understanding. Don’t prove yourself superior by letting others down.
These are some of the habits that can make you ugly and less acceptable . Just good looks and body is not everything one needs to be beautiful. A beautiful heart is all that it takes to make you acceptable and pretty like we are at DU Updates.