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3 Steps to Creating a Fitness Plan

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December 01, 2020
3 Steps to Creating a Fitness Plan

Okay, so you’re not The Rock. And shaving your head, getting a tribal tattoo, and changing your name to Dwayne didn’t get you any closer. Even if you can’t have Mr. Johnson’s personality, charisma, or identity (without breaking a few laws and disrupting the fabric of space-time itself), you can have his body. Not his literal body, but a body that is strong, flexible, and capable of pec-popping.

While we can’t teach you how to pec-pop, we can help you craft a fitness plan that’s right for you. Get ready to rock it with these three steps. 

Step 1: Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

The only thing worse than having no fitness plan is having a plan that simply won’t work. Whether it’s completely impossible, uninformed, or too vague, a poorly thought-out fitness plan can stop your journey before it even starts.

To prevent this cardio-catastrophe, make sure you come up with goals that are:


  • Specific – What exactly do you want out of this workout plan? You can’t just say, “I want to get healthier.” Do you want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Increase endurance? 





  • Attainable – Is this goal humanly possible? Do you have access to the gear and environment you need to make it happen? Is the timeframe realistic?



  • Realistic – Does this goal actually align with your personality and desires? For example, if you’re a night owl, maybe don’t set a goal to run a mile at five a.m. every morning. 



  • Time-bound – What is your timeline for accomplishing this goal? Set incremental checkpoints for extra motivation. 


Step 2: Gear Up

What’s the use of a running plan if you don’t have the right shoes? Or a weightlifting regimen without the weights? Before you embark on your fitness journey, make sure you have the supplies you need to make the best of it. Not only should you get the right shoes, clothes, and gadgets for your chosen activities, but you should also make sure you’re investing in only the highest-quality items possible. After all, your health is important—and your budgeting should reflect that

Even if your main fitness goal is simply to walk 10,000 steps a day, try to find the best shoes for walking possible. If you want to one day be a yogi, pay a bit more for stellar yoga pants and a comfortable mat. 

Step 3: Find Accountabilibuddies

Let’s do a quick math lesson here. What happens when you add “accountability” and “buddy” together?

That’s right! You get an accountabilibuddy. 

This is someone who you can count on to hold you accountable for your goals, as you do for them. Moreover, they’re someone you can plan workouts with, coordinate exercise times, and share strategies and tips with. The easiest way to give up a fitness plan is to have no one but yourself to keep you in check. Once you bring a friendly face into the fold, your chances of success can skyrocket!

Plus, Zumba is always more fun when you have someone there to laugh (and kick and jump and turn) with. 

Just Keep Swimming (or Running or Lifting)

As the iconic blue fish from Finding Nemo once sang, you have to “just keep swimming,” no matter the obstacles you face. A fitness plan is absolutely useless if your attitude is negative. Don’t throw in the towel every time you mess up or fail to meet your goal on time. Fitness isn’t a short-term achievement, it’s a long-term lifestyle. The best way to change your life is to consistently show up for it. You got this.