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Never Be Without Work Again!

In General
September 29, 2021
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Suppose you have ever lost your job for any reason. In that case, you may have experienced a series of unfortunate events—your savings eventually dwindle as you spend your days distributing hundreds of job applications, most of the time without any acknowledgment.

Why is it so hard to find a job?

As funds begin to run dry, depending on how established you are, you may ask yourself: Why can’t I find a job?

You have had to consider moving back in with your parents or crashing at a sibling’s apartment for a bit – a least until you are back on your own feet.

It is a dreadful abyss without a known expiration date. There you stand, survive instead, at the mercy of hiring managers who you are not entirely sure are seeing your carefully crafted cover letters. 

You are unemployed, and you hate it! The worse part is being broke, and being broke looks awful on you, and you feel terrible, isolated, and excluded. 

Social events and outings with friends are not the same, as you worry about splitting the check or settle for water to drink because you are “cutting down on sugary drinks,” or so you mumble. 

You feel powerless as your finances, or lack thereof, spiral out of control as you watch from the sidelines. You wish you could start your business, but you don’t have the cash. You wish there were a way to make money to maintain a decent lifestyle and not be so dependent. You wish you had a job as you wait for the job.

Many reasons can be listed to tell the level of difficulty to find a job:

– Businesses prefer hiring employed people

– You are not up to date with technology

– Your last experience was not in a relevant position to the job application

– You are underqualified.

– Among others.

The Emotional Journey of Unemployment

Going through unemployment can be an emotional journey where you are brought face to face with emotions and insecurities you never realized you had before.

It can be a time of solitary evenings, deep thoughts, and self-evaluation. You have to churn out those job applications, but it can quickly become dull and depressing if you have no other pursuits. 

You need money, and you need it now! The answer lies in hustling.

You need to do whatever you can to put food on the table. It is not the time to be cute and play it safe, but a time to open your arms wide to embrace the available opportunities.

The Search for Work Options

Perhaps getting a part-time job at a local restaurant or babysitting may not be ideal for you. This is where you must be open to the world of opportunities that have been made possible through the internet.

Work from home over the internet is possible regardless of your regular field of expertise or your experience. The only two criteria are good internet and a good computer. The world is changing, and it is now possible to make real money over the internet, even if you do not have a specialized skill set like programming or graphic design.

Several different entry-level-type positions can alleviate your current financial burdens and give your mind some rest from your ongoing job search.

Some of the online jobs you can start with immediately include:

  • Writing (all types such as SEO, content, blog)
  • Transcription
  • Virtual assistant
  • Data entry

Never be Without Work Again

It may be an intimidating task to venture into these areas that you may not have any experience in. 

The most important advice you can receive is to put yourself out there and dare to try. Without a doubt, some of your efforts will be met by failure and rejection, but if you do not let fear of the unknown deter you, eventually, you will try something that works for you. Soon you will be making some extra money. 

It is indeed a journey worth walking as you learn new skills, are pushed out of your comfort zone, and open yourself to possibilities. You may not have a job, but armed with this mindset and knowledge, you can never be without work again.