Shooting enthusiasts and competition shooters often focus on the components of making a high-quality firearm. While the internal and external parts are the most sought after, none is as important and unique as the trigger.
The two main types of firearms triggers include single-stage and two-stage. While the trigger is significant, many people lack a firm understanding of how they work and how much impact they have on your shooting experience.
Read on, and we’ll walk you through the differences between a single stage trigger vs two stage and help you decide which is the right choice for you.
Single Stage Trigger
A single-stage trigger is a firearm safety system that uses only one stage to fire the weapon. This type of trigger features a simple action that relies on a direct, downward pull of the trigger to fire the gun. It is typically less sensitive than other triggers, making it easier for inexperienced shooters to shoot without prematurely releasing the trigger.
How a Single Stage Trigger Works
A single-stage trigger is a firearm safety mechanism that engages the weapon’s firing pin before the hammer falls, thus preventing the release of the round. This trigger system has been around for centuries and is typically found on revolvers. There are a few different types of single stage triggers, but they all work similarly.
To use a single stage trigger, you first have to cock the gun by pulling back on the trigger. Once cocked, you must hold down the trigger until the gun fires.
The single-stage trigger system relies on your finger being positioned directly over the center of the trigger when you fire. This means it’s difficult to fire your weapon accidentally.
The Advantages of Using a Single Stage Trigger
The Simplicity and Ease of Use
A single-stage trigger is easy to use. This makes it a good choice for weapons intended for personal protection or hunting.
The Reduced Likelihood of Accidental Discharge
A single-stage trigger is less likely to discharge the firearm than other types of triggers accidentally. Users must manually pull the trigger whenever they want to fire the gun rather than rely on an automatic rifle.
The Reduced Force Required to Discharge the Firearm
A single-stage trigger requires less force to discharge the firearm than other types of triggers. This makes it easier for people with hand disabilities or specific muscle impairments to use guns safely.
The Disadvantages of Using a Single Stage Trigger
There are a few disadvantages of using a single-stage trigger. First, there is the potential for accidental discharge. This can occur if you accidentally hit the trigger while your gun is cocked and loaded.
Second, a single stage trigger can be difficult to use accurately. This is because it requires you to pull the trigger precisely the right amount to fire the gun.
Another thing is that a single stage trigger can be unreliable. It cannot be easy to pull, especially if it’s not installed correctly. This can lead to inaccurate shooting and a loss of confidence in your firearm.
Lastly, a single stage trigger can also be slow to fire. This can lead to problems with timing and accuracy when shooting in rapid succession.
If you do not want to go through these advantages, it’s time to upgrade to a Timney trigger. They provide quality triggers at great prices.
Two Stage Trigger
A two-stage trigger is a firearm safety device that allows the shooter to fire the weapon without having to pull the trigger each time manually. This device is typically attached to the pistol grip of the gun. When activated, it engages the weapon’s firing pin, preventing it from shooting until the user manually pulls the trigger.
How a Two Stage Trigger Works
A two-stage trigger is found on handguns and some rifles. The first stage of the trigger allows the shooter to discharge the weapon by pulling the trigger. After the trigger has been removed, a second stage engages, firing the gun.
The trigger is designed to make it more difficult for a child or novice shooter to discharge their gun accidentally. By requiring both stages to be pulled for the gun to fire, it becomes much harder for someone without proper hand-eye coordination to pull the trigger accidentally.
While many firearms owners find the two-stage trigger convenient, some believe it can make shooting more difficult. Some shooters think simultaneously depressing both trigger stages can make aiming more difficult.
When to Use a Two Stage Trigger
You must consider many factors when choosing whether or not to use a two-stage trigger. These factors include your firearm type, the distance between the trigger and the target, and your personal preferences.
One common type of firearm that benefits from a two-stage trigger is a shotgun. Shotguns are typically fired from around 30-50 yards.
This makes it challenging to pull the trigger quickly enough to fire multiple rounds without waiting too long between shots. A two-stage trigger allows you to pull the trigger once for each round. This significantly reduces the time required to shoot multiple rounds.
Another common type of firearm that benefits from a two-stage trigger is an AR-15 rifle. AR-15 rifles are typically fired from around 100-300 yards.
How to Set up a Two Stage Trigger
Setting up a Two-Stage Trigger is easy. All you need is a rifle and some ammunition.
First, load the rifle with the ammunition you want to use for your first stage. For example, if you use a gun with an AR-15 style trigger, load it with rounds with an AR-15 style trigger pull weight.
Select your second stage, which will be different for each gun. For example, if you are using an AR-15 style trigger, select “Semi-Auto.”
Bring the rifle up to your shoulder and put it into the “Ready” position. Then, press the trigger on the first stage down (or until it begins to fire.
Hold the trigger on the first stage until the rifle stops firing or until you release it. This will set off the second stage, which will fire the ammunition in your gun.
The Benefits of Using a Two-Stage Trigger
When you use a two-stage trigger, you allow the gun to fire by itself first. You can take control of the firearm and pull the trigger entirely. This is great for the time when you don’t want to wait for the gun to fire completely – you need it to fire off one or two shots.
Another benefit of a two-stage trigger is that it reduces wear on your gun. When you have to press the trigger down to fire, a lot of pressure is exerted on the gun’s parts.
This can eventually lead to breakage or wear and tear. A two-stage trigger eliminates this problem by allowing you to shoot with partial pressure on the trigger.
Finally, a two-stage trigger can make shooting more accurate. When you have to depress the entire trigger each time you want to shoot, it’s easy for your shot to miss its target.
A two-stage trigger allows you to fire one shot at a time by slightly depressing the trigger before firing your next round. This helps you track your target more accurately and makes shooting much more manageable.
Disadvantages of Using a Two-Stage Trigger
There are a few disadvantages of using a two Stage Trigger. The first disadvantage is that the first stage can be inaccurate. The gun can go off prematurely, resulting in injury or damage.
Secondly, this type of trigger can be difficult to adjust. It may take some practice to get it just right.
Finally, when the first stage fires, it can create a lot of noise. This could scare away prey or make it difficult for hunters to conduct their hunt without being heard by their target.
Single Stage Trigger vs Two Stage: Which One is Right for You?
If you’re looking for a simple, full-featured trigger system, then the two-stage trigger is likely what you’re after. It has all the bells and whistles of a more advanced trigger system but is relatively easy to use.
On the other hand, if you’re willing to invest in a single-stage trigger system, you’ll be able to get much more out of your rifle. With this type of trigger, you’ll be able to shoot more accurately and precisely. There’s no need to reset the trigger each time you fire.
Ultimately, it comes down to your personal preference. If simplicity is your top priority, then a single stage trigger is probably the best option. If accuracy and precision are essential, then a single stage trigger might be better for you.
The Best Trigger
If you’re in the market for a new trigger, you may wonder whether to go with a single stage trigger vs two stage. Both have pros and cons; the best depends on your preference.
To help you decide, we’ve combined a complete hardware comparison of single-stage and two-stage triggers. In general, two-stage triggers are better for precision shooting, while single-stage triggers are easier to use and faster for targeting.
Whichever route you choose, be sure to do your research. Find a trigger that meets your needs.
If you want to read more about firearms, please visit other sections of our blog.