Did you know that over 100 million Americans go boating every year?
Boats are an integral part of the daily life of many Americans. Some traverse the Mississippi River. Others skim the everglades.
There are many different types of boats. The best boats for you depend on your use case. So now that you’re considering boat ownership, which boat should you get?
In this article, we’ll give a brief guide to all the major types of boats. Then you’ll be ready to go for a trip to the lake.
Types of Boats
There are generally three types of boats: boats with motors, unpowered boats, and sailboats. But that’s only the beginning.
Some boats have a shallow draft, allowing them to navigate shallow waters. Some can reach high speeds and do tight maneuvers, while others can only handle low speeds and wide turns.
Some require minimal boat maintenance, while others require tons of work and boat accessories to maintain. So let’s cover some of the basic boat types.
Deck Boats
These are the boats that first come to mind when going to the lake. These are sleek, v-shaped boats that can reach high speeds and are ideal for pulling tubes. You can put these boats on a trailer and store them in your garage.
Deck boats are ideal for parties and other social events since they have ample deck space. They are easy to control, and they require very little maintenance. If you’re looking for an affordable boat, check these out.
Boat fuel is a considerable expense, so read more if you need help determining how to buy it.
Cuddy Cabin Boats
These are like the roomier, more luxurious cousin of the deck boat. They aren’t ideal for going fast and tugging skiers. Choose a cuddy cabin for a more relaxing day out on the water.
Cuddy cabins give you a cabin below the deck. This won’t be a lot of room. However, you’ll have enough for a table, some storage area, a bathroom or shower, and a generator.
Pontoon Boats
Pontoon boats are great for those on a budget. These boats are easy to maintain, have ample space, and are stable.
Pontoon boats excel in rivers, and they’re great for fishing. They’re not the most stylish boats, but they’re great for a relaxing day on the water.
While pontoons are stable, they aren’t typically very fast. They use an outboard motor, and they lack the streamlined hull necessary for high speeds and maneuverability.
Bass Boat
If you like fishing, go for a bass boat. These boats have a low profile so as to avoid disturbing the fish. They’re very light, which gives them speed and maneuverability, at the cost of stability.
Bass boats might have swivel chairs, making them a comfortable way to fish on the weekend. They’re easy to maintain and easier to store.
Find the Right Boat for You
We’ve only covered a small sliver of the types of boats. There’s a boat for every use case. Whether you’re near a lake, river, or sea, there’s a boat perfect for you.
Read our blog for more tips on how to live your best life.