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What To Expect When Visiting Alaska

In Travel
October 11, 2021
What To Expect When Visiting Alaska

Alaska is one of the United States of America’s most beautiful states. The wide-open spaces filled with arctic tundra-like flora and fauna, mind-blowingly large glaciers, huge mountains, and much more offer so much opportunity for exploration and exciting adventure. If you are planning on visiting this state, then you have made a great decision. Get ready to see the wildness of nature up close and personal, but remember, there are definitely some things you should familiarize yourself with prior to your arrival in this great state. If you are wanting to bone up on your Alaska knowledge before your trip, then here are some top pieces of information on what to expect when you visit Alaska.

Travelling Is Not So Simple

Yes, Alaska is gigantic in terms of landmass, but there are not as many roads and public thoroughfares as you might think there would be. Alaska has no interstates, simply because Alaska is not connected to any other states, and there are only nine major highways in the entire state. Thus, you will definitely want to make sure you have a solid plan in place, as well as plenty of maps before you commit to driving through this state. If you want to see the sights but are not so keen on all of the logistical planning in order to do so just in a car, then try committing to an Alaska cruise. Cruising through Alaska is a great way to see all of the beauty this wild state has to offer from its majestic waterways. It is definitely worth looking into if you want your travel to be carefree and relaxing.

Alaska is Bigger Than You Think

This state may look sort of big on a map, but you really do not know just how vast it is until you are there. But, here are some facts that might help prepare you for the reality of its size. Alaska is 663,300 square miles. To provide a comparison, the entire country of Germany is only 137,988 square miles. Alaska is larger than California, Montana and Texas all combined. From its Eastern border to its Western border, Alaska measures 2,500 miles. In comparison, this is the distance from Southwest Georgia to Santa Barbara, California. Basically, Alaska is ginormous and you should be prepared for traveling long distances to get to where you want to be!

Typical Items Might Have a Higher Price

Because Alaska is so far out and so large, most things have to be flown or boat-driven out to the state. Because of this travel component of goods, prices of things are typically more expensive than they are in other states that have ease of access. This is not a huge deal, but it is something to be prepared for.

The Weather is Not All Snow All the Time

During the winter, it certainly snows a lot in Alaska as it is rather close to the North Pole compared to other places. However, Alaska does have four distinct seasons which allow for travel of tourists with more ease. It even rains during the summer!

Denali is Worth the Long Trip

Denali National Park has America’s largest mountain as well as beautiful natural wonders. If you can get here, it is worth it. But be prepared to drive pretty far to get here, because it is about a four-hour drive from Anchorage to Denali! 

Alaska is not called “the Last Frontier” for no reason, and now you have a better understanding as to why this state has rightfully earned that name. The vast expanses of uninhabitable and relatively unexplored land coupled with the brutal weather and wildlife mixed in with the stunning views and fresh air make this place the perfect place to visit if you are looking to tap into your primordial wildness. So, before you go, do not forget to pack some extra layers and get ready for the adventure of your life!